Mindful Music

  • -intuitive training for ear and soul-

Unlock your creative potential through mindful music practice

boy singing on microphone with pop filter
boy singing on microphone with pop filter

What is Mindful Music?

Explore your inner musical voice and let it be expressed in the world

greyscale photo of man playing spinet piano close-up photo
greyscale photo of man playing spinet piano close-up photo

Be guided into a deep meditative state and feel your creativity emerge from the silence

several guitars beside of side table
several guitars beside of side table

Experience a new way of making music using creative and somatic tools to fully embody the music


Learn how to stop self-judging and play freely from feeling and intuition

woman in brown knit sweater holding brown ceramic cup
woman in brown knit sweater holding brown ceramic cup
Examples of Mindful Music piano improvisations played by music teacher Vide Chevalier:
Gymnopédie no. 1 / Peace on Earth

Improvised variation of a classical piano peace together with vocals by Astrid Ørnemark.

The Album "Piano Improvisations" by Vide Chevalier.

An album dedicated solely to piano improvisations created through intuition and feeling.

Video showing real-life lesson material and an introduction to the Mindful Music Methodology.

Do you feel creatively free and abundant? Do you feel completely safe expressing yourself musically in front of an audience? Or even in front of just yourself? Is it easy for you to just sit down and play and create like a happy child?

If the answer is no: don't worry, you are definitely not alone!

Almost every single human has a creative or expressive trauma, resulting in "creative shyness". It often happens when we are very small and it can be something "trivial". But from a child's perspective, of course, nothing feels trivial.

One story is about a small girl, just 5 years old, who loves to sing and sings all the time. Then one day her mother has a migraine and feels irritated. The child is in her own world, singing her made-up songs that come easily and without hesitation directly from her heart.

Her mother tells her to be quiet, but the little girl loves to sing so she doesn't stop. Then suddenly, in a burst of anger, the mother shouts "Shut up! You have an ugly voice and I can't stand it any longer!".

From that day on, the little girl doesn't sing anymore. She speaks more quietly and not so often. The little girl now believes in her body and subconscious that her voice is ugly and decides to never bother people with her singing again. Her great passion for singing and self-expression has come to a very early and tragic end. (But hang on!, there are ways to remedy this!)

Another story, perhaps even more common: A young boy of 7 is put in music school to learn the piano. He adores music instruments and their sounds. He already listens to the same music as his parents and for some while he wished he could play piano like Billy Joel or Elton John.

He arrives, very excited, to first day of music class. However, the teacher is an old man who seems to be a bit tired and slow. He barely greets the young boy, just says "sit". Then he takes up a piano sheet book and tells the boy how and what to play.

The boy is never asked what he likes, what he listens to, what his musical dreams are. He is just taught, probably the same way the old man was taught, to sit and listen and follow and copy what the old man says and what the different notes in the book means.

After a few lessons of grey boredom, the young boy loses his enthusiasm for music and thinks to himself "well, it seems music is not for me after all". He never touches a piano again, but every time he sees someone play a piano he feels a feeling of "something missing" and a longing inside. But he just shrugs and walks on...

...until one day, perhaps, he finds a music school online and starts to read: "Mindful Music"... And then he wonders... what is this?

The description reads:

"Mindful Music is a music school dedicated to providing a meditative and intuitive approach to learning and re-learning instruments, songwriting, and music production. Our unique method combines ear training, classical theory, and simple techniques with guided meditations to cultivate a state of non-judgment and open-minded playfulness.

The program is designed to help you release any self-judgement, worries and misbeliefs of your own creative capacity. It is both for beginners who want to open up to their musical abilities as well as experienced musicians who wish to gain more musical freedom and intuition in their playing.

It is designed to make you musically free and enjoy playing, to not play just for others but for your own deep and satisfying joy and pleasure. To re-discover and celebrate your innate musical talent and beauty."

...do you recoginize this young girl or boy in yourself? Do you feel it's time to free them from the past, from the simple misunderstandings that lead to confusion about what music and self-expression is? To reclaim the love and joy of creativity in your life?

...or do you have a child of your own who wants to learn music the natural, playful and non-judgmental way from the start without creating any creative blocks?

...or are you a seasoned musician who just wants to become more free, flowy and intuitive on your instrument through mindfulness and some experienced guidance?

If you feel like any of these options are for you, click below to read more about this transformative musical journey into playing Mindful Music.

black and white piano
black and white piano
woman in brown cowboy hat and green dress sitting on black leather couch
woman in brown cowboy hat and green dress sitting on black leather couch

Break free from performance anxiety and societal pressures.

The traditional approach to music and creativity is broken, turning what should be joyful into a source of stress. We reject the idea that creativity must be stifled by fear or expectations. It’s time to prioritize inner peace and self-expression over perfection and external validation.